Thematic Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry’s “a Raisin In The Sun”


Though it won popular and critical acclaim, reviewers argued about whether the play was “universal” or particular to Black experience. And also “not good … person to take their life just to get attention, and … FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Simcha, Max & Benjy A father son relationship … A line in the Langston Hughes poem, “Mother to Son.” Lorraine later changed the title of her play to, “A Raisin in the Sun.” This was as well taken from one of Langston Hughes’ pieces, “A Dream Deferred” . His positive influences on Beneatha help her become more self-confident and independent.

a raisin in the sun theme essay

Assess whether the inclusion of these minor characters is necessary to develop the play’s message. And this devotion has been repaid with an extraordinary and continuing popularity, as well as with a stil… How does shakespeare use conflict in Hamlet as a whow does shakespeare use conflict in Hamlet as a way of exploring ideas? How does Shakespeare use conflict in Hamlet as a way of exploring ideas? An individual\’s response to conditions of internal and external conflict is explored throughout literature.

Revisiting Lorraine Hansberrys Most Famous Play In The Wake Of The Open Letter To White American Theater

Two years after its Broadway premiere, “A purple hibiscus movie Raisin in the Sun” appeared in movie theaters, starring Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee. In the trailer for the 1961 film, the producer David Susskind provides a lengthy introduction that describes the awards the play received and the importance of its story before any scenes from the movie are shown. We match this scene from “Raisin” with a 2013 article on the present state and persistence of housing discrimination in the United States.

  • Beneatha’s defiance toward Walter is symbolic of her defiance toward all barriers of stereotype.
  • This can lead to success and wealth that will give them an escape from their current way of living.
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was made in 1945, the year in which the Second World War ended.
  • By the play’s end, Beneatha’s basic dream of fulfillment is intact.
  • However, one can argue that the catalyst for her family’s success is money, wealth.

Mama is the king of the house and always makes sure that her family are taken care of and that each one is a good person. She wants them to have more respect for themselves and to succeed. She wants a big happy family that can live together in a big house, and Ruth got so happy when she found out mama bought a house. The American Dream is the idea that everyone living in the US has a uniform chance to attain their dream through perseverance, hard work, and aspiration.


Beneatha constantly takes for granted the life that she is living, and when good fortune comes her way, such as the opportunity to become a doctor, she believes that it is commonplace, and therefore nothing to be thankful for. Mama, on the other hand, grew up in a time when good fortune was hard to come by. Whenever she is having a rough time, she places her faith in God and prays that everything will turn out all right. For example, when Walter loses the money for his sister’s schooling, Mama asks God to “Look down here .

a raisin in the sun theme essay

He also expresses his resentment and all the negative feelings he has been holding for too long. Suburban home ownership became a barometer of American success in the 1930s and 1940s, with mortgage loans newly subsidized by the Federal Housing Administration. But Black and Brown citizens were systematically excluded, so most African Americans could not pursue home ownership until the 1950s. Placing Black people’s struggle to attain this marker of American achievement on Broadway, Hansberry accomplished a feat parallel to that of the family she portrayed. Both the Youngers and their creator encountered hostility for daring to reach for what the country defined as success.

The Importance Of Family

Some personalized dreams could be earning success, obtaining money, or winning the love of your life. The “American Dream” includes many ideas, but it is primarily the belief that anyone who comes to or is born in America can achieve success through hard work. Walter Younger aspires to achieve part of this American Dream, but he is frustrated at every turn. Although he is willing to work hard, opportunities for him are few because he is Black. When some money does become available to him, his business opportunities are also few—for few businesses historically thrived in minority neighborhoods. Yet by the end of the play, whether or not he achieves the American Dream, he does achieve a sense of himself as an individual with power and the ability to make choices.

Conflict is one of the underlying themes in the play, which was written by Lorraine Hansberry, it helps to tell the story and explain the situation that the Younger family is in. Of the Youngers has been before they have learned about anticipated changes. You can also explore the subject of family ties and affection as a possible theme unless you have already been given a prompt to write on.


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